155 Got Supplies? Get LEAN!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Grand Hall (Hyatt Regency Atlanta)
Becky Dodge, MBA, BSN, RN , Nursing Performance Improvement, UNC Health Care, Chapel Hill, NC
Tracy Carroll, BSN, PCCN, RN , Nursing, Surgery Service, UNC Health Care, Chapel Hill, NC

Handout (2.0 MB)

Nursing and Central Distribution collaborated to find a creative solution for the supply chain proces using LEAN methodology.

Nurses were hoarding supplies as their perception was they couldn't get what they needed when they needed it. Patients noted a delay in response time when nurses went to retrieve supplies.

Strategy and Implementation:
Nursing and central distribution staff, along with Black Belts from various departments, performed a week long Kaizen flow event to reorganize and streamline the ordering, stocking and delivery of supplies. The location of various items such as the medication fridge, Pyxis, etc, were moved to provide better flow for the staff. And saved time and steps! We also created Kanbans for the supplies, along with implementing a new storage system. The greatest improvement came from using fishing tackle (with a swivel) that had a brightly colored CD label on one side along with re-ordering information. Staff would then turn the swivel to reveal the bright tag when the Kanban system indicated re-order was necessary. This greatly decreased inventory time for CD staff! We measured the time and steps saved, along with projected savings.

Post Kaizen results showed a dramatic reduction in time, steps (and money) to gather supplies (using pre-arranged scenarios to get pre and post data). Time decreased from 12:33 mins to 0:59 mins for unit staff adn steps decreased from 302 to 31!! CD stocking time decreased from 6:09 to 1:17 mins.

Implications for Practice:
Using creative solutions and involving members of the supply chain process produced significant savings in time, steps, and money! Staff satisfaction greatly improved. Patients even commented on how the nurses returned to the bedside more quickly, which was our greatest accomplishment!