100 Hand Hygiene Data Monitoring Using the iPod Touch to Improve Patient Safety

Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Grand Hall (Hyatt Regency Atlanta)
Teresa M Hulett, BSN, RN , Infection Control, University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, CO
Catherine Mickey, BSN, RN, CCRN , Surgical Intensive Care Unit, University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, CO

Handout (138.6 kB)

To develop a hand hygiene data collection system that was easy to use and allowed for real time feedback and follow-up.

Hand hygiene (HH) remains the primary mechanism to reduce healthcare acquired infections. Obtaining accurate HH data facilitates effective, real time feedback to improve practice which leads to increased patient safety. Historically, paper tracking compliance was used which was very labor intensive.

Strategy and Implementation:
The Infection Preventnion (IP) department became aware of iScrub Lite, a free application available on Apple electronic products. The Infection Prevention department purchased 19 iPod Touch's. IP Champions were trained on use of the iPod Touch for HH observation data collection. Guidelines for HH data observations, marking data for follow-up, and downloading procedures/guidelines were established. Infection prevention reviewed the data and provided unit feedback. iPod Touch procedures and HH data are reviewed at monthly IP Champion meetings. The IP Champions have begun the process of training other unit staff on use of the iPod and HH observations.

Prior to the iPod, IP follow up had an average lag time of 6 weeks. Minimum HH data requirements were not consistently submitted. Observations using the iPod began in May, 2011 for 28 inpatient units. By July 2011, 100% of units were consistently submitting 50 or more HH obsservations/month.

Implications for Practice:
Implementing the iPod improved data submission which led to increased HH compliance. It provided enhanced accuracy of data reporting across all units. The iPod time stamps each entry verifying observations providing a true picture of unit culture. Use of the iPod Touch was well received by staff.