3 Reaching the Core: Understanding the Predictive Nature between Safety Organizing and Quantifiable Methods

Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Grand Hall (Hyatt Regency Atlanta)
Mary Sitterding, PhDc, MSN, RN, CNS , Indiana University Health, Indianapolis, IN

Handout (1.7 MB)

Reaching the core of quality in nursing is achieved through team situation awareness or team safety organizing. The purpose of the research was to determine the relationship and predictive nature of safety organizing on NDNQI nurse-sensitive outcome performance.

Reaching the core of quality in nursing is achieved through team situation awareness or team safety organizing. The purpose of the research was to determine the relationship and predictive nature of safety organizing on NDNQI nurse-sensitive outcome performance.

Prospective participants were contacted by email at participating sites. The sample included direct care nurses from 44 hospital nursing units representing three hospitals within a multi-hospital system including a large community hospital, an academic hospital, and a children's hospital. Descriptive design examining correlation and regression analysis between safety organizing, nursing leadership behaviors, and nurse-sensitive outcomes was conducted

The results will illustrate the correlation and predictive nature of safety organizing on nurse-sensitive outcomes such as fall prevention, hospital-acquired pressure ulcer prevention, and hospital-acquired infections. The results of this study suggest the opportunity to consider safety organizing as a significant process indicator influencing nurse-sensitive outcomes that include, but are not limited to those benchmarked through NDNQI participation

Conclusions and Implications for Practice:
1)Examine strategies to enhance safety organizing within nursing 2)Identify opportunity to integrate the principles of safety organizing in orientation and nursing development 3)Identify and test factors influencing safety organizing in nursing