90 Reaching Outcomes through alignment of facility and individual goals, shared governance structure and NDNQI data

Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Grand Hall (Hyatt Regency Atlanta)
Martha A Grammer, BSN, RN , Quality, Bon Secours St. Mary's Hospital, Richmond, VA

Handout (446.1 kB)

Align strategic goals and metrics for both individual staff and shared governance structure at both the hospital and unit level.

Outcomes are achieved through understanding of the impact of individual professional practice through their unit based council and hospital shared governance councils.

Strategy and Implementation:
Corporate and hospital goals were aligned with the hospital nursing's foundational elements and the Magnet domains. It was important to illustrate to staff the relationship of goals and outcomes which demonstrated their bedside professional practice. Implementation started with the identification of goals and metrics, then design of the dashboards for both unit based councils and hospital shared governance councils (Professional Practice, Strategic Planning, Education, Applied Research, Nursing Congress, Nursing Operations and Nursing Peer Review). Education was provided to the councils on analyzing dashboards, development of action plans based on results and alignment of the dashboards with individual performance objectives in their mid-year and annual performance review.

Staff are able to visualize monthly their improvements in clinical outcomes and other metrics by the progression of color. Participation in 3 national surveys (AHRQ Culture of Safety, NDNQI RN, and Gallup Engagement) has improved to meet targeted participation.

Implications for Practice:
Organized manner to illustrate alignment of goals and outcomes. Allowed unit nurse sensitive indicators to be displayed using NDNQI date for specific populations, and assisted with continued focus on outcomes for continual Magnet readiness.