66 Breakthroughs in Patient Safety (BIPS) Program: Transforming Our Commitment to Patient Safety

Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Grand Hall (Hyatt Regency Atlanta)
Jody Collins, MSN, RN , Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Hospital, The Woodlands, TX
Victoria King, MSN, MHA, RN, CNOR, NEA-BC , Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Hospital, The Woodlands, TX
William Parks, MD, FAAP , Memorial Hermann The Woodlands, The Woodlands, TX

Handout (749.9 kB)

Developing/sustaining strong culture of safety;crucial to improve patient outcomes.We provide insight to innovative strategies to engage/empower nurses,physicians/employees while incorporating communication centering of Best Practice/Attention toDetail/Support/Communication with Questioning Attitude

Insight to innovative Breakthroughs in Patient Safety(BIPS) Program to engage/empower all to sustain strong culture of safety,reduce errors/improve outcomes. 1,400 employees,650 nurses,300volunteers & 1,000 Physicians/Allied Health Practitioners trained in 5 different disciplines of communication.

Strategy and Implementation:
New knowledge, innovations & improvements evolved from framework to collaborative Safety Teams of Nurses/leaders/Physicians & Safety Coaches to elevate our Safety Culture. All involve fall prevention, rapid response;use tools such as STAR(Stop, Think Act and Review)to ensure safety prior to any task & diligently work on medication rec, barcode use for pt ID;No interrupt red taped zone around automated med dispensing machines & improved standards,Code Purple Team:Obstetrical Emergency RRT.Improvement in maternal/neonatal outcomes;evidenced by time from decision-incision in emergent Caesarians,decreasing to < 15 minutes;under the 30 minute ACOG guideline.Certified Emergency Airway Management Program, for emergent airway management,trains qualified RTs and ANPs to intubate; allowing autonomy of their professional skills to elevate care;demonstrating our mission/vision through innovation, collaboration and clinical advancement;improving outcomes & enhancing patient safety & saves lives

Our ongoing review and efforts has decreased Serious Safety Event Rate (SSER) of harm occurring to patients. Rolling 12 month average rate per 10,000 adjusted patient days, declined from 3.04 in December, 2010 to 1.09 in October, 2011.

Implications for Practice:
Code Purple:Improvement in maternal/neonatal outcomes; evidenced by time from decision to incision in emergent Caesarians; < 15 minutes, under the 30 min ACOG guideline. Certified Emergency Airway Management: emergent airway management, trains RTs and ANPs to intubate in emergencies.