8538 Patients as Quality Partners

Friday, February 8, 2013: 10:40 AM
Regency 5 (Hyatt Regency Atlanta)
Ronette M Wiley, RN, BSN , Bassett Medical Center, Cooperstown, NY
The issue addressed was patient and family engagement in and improvement of patient safety during hospitalization

This issue is of extreme importance as there are evidence-based strategies that can be utilized to prevent errors, hospital acquired conditions, and other adverse events. Where applicable, partnering with families and patients can advance this work.

Strategy and Implementation:
The organization developed a program which provided targeted patient and family education at the time of admission regarding strategies and tips they could employ to promote their safety in the hospital. Patients were instruced in such areas as Patient identification: "You will have an identification band placed on your wrist. Show your wristband to staff when they enter your room. You can expect staffto check it before giving you medications, drawing blood, or taking you for procedures. If they do not, please ask them to". Another example is related to hand hygeine: "You can expect nurses, physicians, and other caregivers to cleanse their hands with disinfectant soap or hand gel before and after patient contact. Feel free to ask your caregiver if they have washed their hands before providing care to you". Staff and physicians were prepared for this transformative change in the level of patient engagement, and the results were nothing short of amazing.

Patient satisfaction around "safety" improved 35% Hand Hygiene compliance increased 30% "Wrong patient" medication errors decreased 90% Hospital associated c. difficele rates decreased by 50% Other metrics associated with success will be presented

Implications for Practice:
This program is easily replicable in every healthcare setting. This grassroots initiative was successful several years prior to that, and has enjoyed sustained success. It is popular with patients and staff, and easily adaptable to the local culture and environment.