21 Hospital Nursing Research Committee to Facilitate Study to Measure and Improve Pain Outcomes

Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Grand Hall (Hyatt Regency Atlanta)
Tamara Haslar, MSN, RN, ACNS-BC, FNP-BC, AOCNS , Nursing Administration, St. Francis Hospital, Indianapolis, IN
Lindsey N Andrews, BSN, RN, CPN , Pediatric Units, Franciscan Alliance St. Francis Health, Indianapolis, IN

Handout (1.0 MB)

Identify the function of a hospital based Nursing Research Council to participate in a study with the National Database for Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) and Dr. Susan Beck from the College of Nursing at the University of Utah on pain management in the acute care setting.

This poster will describe how the Nursing Research Council at our faciluty provides a systematic process for validating credentials and human subjects' protection eduction of primary nurse investigators and ensuring scientfic merit of nursing research proposals.

Strategy and Implementation:
The Nursing Research Council evaluates nursing reasearch proposals for scientfic merit and facilitates the process of conducting and disseminating nursing research. In addition, the following are required for ALL research team members participating in nursing research: cirriculum vitae, the Collaborative IRB Training Initiative (CITI) for both Good clinical practice and Biomedical, research proposal/protocal submitted and feasibility checklist completed. The proposal information was provided to our hospital by Univeristy of Utah IRB and the study Primary Investigator Susan Beck, PhD. Once the documents were approved by our Nursing Research Council, a team of 12 registered nurses was formed to participate as data collectors for the study. Each nurse completed the NDNQI training module on line as well as the above mentioned documents and taining and all materials were submitted to the Office of Research Services by the Primary Investigator assigned at the hospital level.

The proposal was accepted by both Nursing Research Council and the IRB and was approved as exempt. The results of the pain management in the acute care setting study will be shared at the Nursing Research Council Showcase for both phase I and phase II.

Implications for Practice:
Nursing Research Councils facilitate the process for conducting and disseminating nursing reseach and validate credentials and human subjects' protection education of primary nurse investigators. Nursing Research Councils also ensure scientfic merit of research proposals prior to IRB submssion.