Handout (1.5 MB)
There were three issues addressed-Knowledge gap, practice and escalation process. To prevent medical error, teamwork and communication were incorporated during the simulation drills. The tools and strategies succeeded in providing staff with confidence to be well-versed in handling untoward events.
By utilizing simulation-based learning, there will be a significant reduction of obstetrical adverse outcome.
Strategy and Implementation:
Scheduling was key to the success of this program.
Three Critical events was selected to include Shoulder Dystocia, code fusion and neonatal emergencies.
High-fidelity simulation,consisting of a Didactic and a simulation portion was utilize to create realistic scenarios for safe practice.
Interdisciplinary team attendance a must with a 100% compliance as the goal. There were a total of eight sessions over a six month period.
Success was measured utilizing a survey developed by the educator. This survey aimed to measure pre and post simulation in terms of teamwork, communication, and timeliness of response to critical events.
Implications for Practice:
In filling the knowledge gap (didactic part) and improving practice (simulation), we hope to reduce the adverse outcome in our community hospital.