6356 Making Quality & Safety Fun

Friday, January 27, 2012: 11:55 AM
Chelsea Ballroom 1 and 5 (The Cosmopolitan)
Kristen C Foulk, BSN, RN, PCCN, , 4D Nursing, Christiana Care Health System, Newark, DE
Katherine Abernethy, BSN, RNC , 4D Nursing, Christiana Care Health System, Newark, DE
Myrna Cuevas, RN , 4D Nursing, Christiana Care Health System, Newark, DE
Danyell Bishop, BSN, BS , 4D Nursing, Christiana Care Health System, Newark, DE
Joan Baker, BSN, RNC , 4D Nursing, Christiana Care Health System, Newark, DE
Tiffany Seymour, BSN, RN, BS , 4D Nursing, Christiana Care Health System, Newark, DE

Handout (243.6 kB)

An opportunity for improvement was identified in December 2009 when the results of secret shopper hand hygiene monitoring revealed compliance at 71% compliance. The need to improve hand hygiene with the goal of reducing hospital acquired infections on our unit prompted our council to take action.

Studies have shown that at least one third of all hospital infections are preventable. A substantial proportion results from the transmission of microorganisms by the hands of health-care workers. The development of a multifaceted hand hygiene improvement campaign was determined to be essential.

Strategy and Implementation:
The 4D unit council developed a number of strategies to improve hand hygiene. Their efforts included providing staff education and raising awareness in monthly staff meetings, newsletters, and visual cues. The significance of practicing proper hand hygiene was conveyed using all modalities. A hand hygiene game aptly named “Hot Hands” was also developed. By April, 2010, hand hygiene compliance increased to 79%. Not achieving their goal, the council began thinking “outside the box”; an idea to make a jingle about the importance of proper hand hygiene seemed like a unique approach to providing a message in a way that would affect a positive change. The jingle was set to contemporary music, lyrics were written by a council member. The jingle called, “Get Your Clean On” was comprised of information on proper hand hygiene and infection prevention. Before long, it wasn't unusual to hear staff singing it during work. Most importantly, it cast a spotlight on proper handwashing techniques.

Evaluating the effectiveness of hand hygiene compliance & infection rates revealed positive results. Hand hygiene compliance improved from an average of 81% to 93.5%. The incidence of C.difficile went from12 to 6. This data could propose that improved hand hygiene yielded a decrease in C.difficile.

Implications for Practice:
The jingle won a 3M Innovation Award. It is now played at nursing orientation. We spread our efforts in the development of a hand washing program for school aged children and with our Patient Escort Services. Infusing a bit of fun into quality and safety can be the impetus for sustained change.