65 Communicating Quality via "Road Shows"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Becky Dodge, RN, BSN, MBA , Nursing Performance Improvement, UNC Hospitals, Chapel Hill, NC
Staff members were not receiving and/or retaining quality information for a variety of reasons: too much email, technical difficulties with attachments,no bulletin board space, etc. The Quality Council brainstormed re: how to communicate with staff and developed the "Road Show" idea.

One on one and mainly staff to staff communication of quality results and "best practices" was a great success! Staff appreciated the fact that we went to them on their units, discussed results, plans for improvements and best practices. They were also able to provide feedback and ask questions.

Strategy and Implementation:
Quality Council members developed a brochure with input from each of the committees with a reporting relationship to the Council. Each committee was asked to identify an area for improvement, plan for improvement, and "Best Practice(s)". This information, along with other key information on NDNQI results and Core Measures, was communicated to staff. A "Road Show Tips" document provided standardized talking points. Council members then went out to the units over a 2 week period and met with staff, distributed brochures (and candy!), and engaged staff in conversation. Our plan is to repeat the Road Show on a quarterly basis, and also incorporate interested unit based quality staff representatives.

Staff appreciated the personal approach, chance to interact with council members, and provide feedback. This also heightened the council members' role and visibility to staff.

Implications for Practice:
Communication of data and quality methods is vital to achieving improved patient outcomes. This innovative strategy provides a unique tool and personal approach in an increasingly technological environment.