Twilight (The Flamingo Hotel)
Monday, 29 January 2007
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Twilight (The Flamingo Hotel)
Tuesday, 30 January 2007
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

The Nursing Quality Dashboard: the GPS for Driving Quality Home

Nora Hale, RN1, Sandy Sienkiewicz, RHIT, CPHQ1, and Candace Becker, MS, RN, CNS2. (1) Quality and Regulatory Management, Wyoming Medical Center, 1233 E. 2nd Street, Casper, WY 82601, (2) Critical Care Services, Wyoming Medical Center, 1233 E. 2nd Street, Casper, WY 82601

1. To discuss the process of dashboard development at Wyoming Medical Center.
2.  To share a template for implementation of dashboard information.

The purpose of this poster is to describe the evolutionary process of creating the Nursing Quality Dashboard at Wyoming Medical Center.  Our dashboard has evolved into a tool that provides simple, two-way communication for unit specific and housewide quality measures, ultimately creating a method for bedside practitioners to change practice based on quality measures.  Furthermore, the dashboard provides unit-specific data as compared to the benchmark data from NDNQI, JCAHO, CMS Core Measures, patient satisfaction, as well as internal benchmarks.

Benchmarking for quality improvement is not a new concept to healthcare; however, bedside practitioners have not always been a part of the processes.  Dashboards provide a systematic way to translate data into information to drive performance excellence.  At Wyoming Medical Center, the nursing quality dashboard was introduced to staff through shared governance councils, particularly the Quality and Safety (QS) Council, approximately one year ago.  Nurses, finding it difficult to report dashboard information and solicit action based on benchmarking, drove Quality and Regulatory Management (QRM) to seek methods to communicate data more easily.  The result is a dashboard divided by specific sections, such as NDNQI data, regulatory data, patient safety data, etc., and color-coded to easily identify areas for improvement.  The data collection process remains a combination of nurse-collected data, regulatory-collected data, human resources-collected data, etc., but the return communication has changed to ensure those providing direct patient care are responsible for quality improvement.  The process is as follows: Unit specific and housewide quality measures are collected by each unit, sent to Quality QRM for tabulation, then placed on the dashboard.  QRM highlights by color (green, yellow or red), what indicators require action plans.  Green indicates data is within benchmark; yellow less than 20% above or below benchmark; red for greater than 20% above or below benchmark.  The dashboard then goes to the QS Council for discussion and to disseminate to unit representatives.  Unit representatives take the dashboards to their respective unit council for action plans for areas identified in red.  Action plans are discussed at QS to review, share unit successes, and discuss best practice.  QS submits action plans to the Clinical Coordinating Council and the housewide Quality and Safety Coordinating Council, who are responsible to oversee processes and ensure quality care.

Implications for Practice:
Wyoming Medical Center, with the development of the Nursing Quality Dashboard, has elevated direct care practitioners by owning the data and making practice changes based on this data, evidence-based practice, and research.  The dashboard provides a tool that easily discerns areas for immediate action as well as areas to share successes. Ultimately, this promotes clinical accountability by putting the data at the point of care.

See more of Using Quality Indicators to Achieve Quality Improvement
See more of The NDNQI Data Use Conference (January 29-31, 2007)